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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Green House 28.02.020

“...cyanide makes the most beautiful ink (blue)”
something in those words had felt like medicine—
and medicine is oft bitter, or perhaps oversaccharine—

so you went and found yourself a plant scientist,
deadheat of the highdesert,
gardening in March and

oooh, it all looks so nice.
took my lifedream and ran with it;
another dream of mine, vaporous
in the tepid-stillness-to-chill of the highdesert


a dream of Mine he built for You:
new lovegrove gloamover,
fire metal water.

yet still I step inside closed eyes
plucking from the dark in the back
that core, kernel readied for
monsoondownpour, and

siiigh, oasis intaking—
my stay [brief and] fleeting,

“I leave today.”

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