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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We travel the space between the stars:
You've beguiled my eyes for some time now.
Jump into your fantastic lies;
More truthful than the world around.

Let's never speak of our love;
no verbal acknowledgment could suffice.
Let's never ruin this moment.
Let's live this one moment the rest of our lives.

We've defied each other's expectations.
You've been on my mind for more than a while now.
What a thing to find:
One soul, it beats as the heart of the stars.

Let's never speak the word "love";
nothing spoken nor written could deify.
Not a thing could ruin this moment
as the hours slowly pass from our lives.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I am criminally insane,
I am caustic and urbane,
your greatest artistic abortion,
your lesser autistic devotion.

I am meant for greener grounds
where my footfalls echo, sounding
like devotions to the stones,
and the marrow in my bones
adds to the cacophony.

We're running out of bounds,
running out of time.
With nothing left to eat--
there's nothing left to rhyme.

Save mine, I save yours.
We are meant to see the eagle that soars
from our nowhere-nothing perch.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Beautiful ties between.
Sadness, slick grieving.
Wings alight with the fire of punishment--
laughter, and soaring mirth.

Sopping frontal cortex--
you are my honey, my cream.
My bleating vocal beating;
my love;
timeless ache.

Meet your eyes with mine, breathe
into me your life. Aguey agate eyes,
be mine, love. Mine.
I love you for all-time.

You, you, you--
I am my mother's son.

(and though we are wholly unbegun--
lucid dreamers, looséd tongues--
we are not yet undone;
we are holy; thusly unbegun)

Friday, August 12, 2011


you sat across the way.
a table filled with food between us,
electric filaments unfurling
like tendrils, finding their likenesses
in the space between.

i never once met your eyes,
for fear i'd get lost in the gap.

i'm far-away again today,
i feel fine, and i'm okay, but i'm nowhere to be found.
i'm far-away again today,
no one sits across the way--
i've slept and lain in bed all day.

and if heaven's just a fathom high--
with olive skin and hazel eye--
then hell's two fathoms further down
and i: a dead man on the ground.

there was no you in the equation of we.
there was only me, and fear.
i fear i closed a door on you,
and spoke through a covered window.
the glass distorts your perception of me.

your heaven's just a fathom high,
with gentle voice, and agate eyes.
my hell's two fathoms further down--
(and i: i feel so far away)

i'm nowhere to be found.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

death, and the poetic license revoked

if i don't want your attentions
attuned to my frequency,
then why does your lavishing upon l'homme de jour
rub me in the wrongest of ways?

am i so jaded? do i want these hollow expressions of fidelity
flying at my own face; no.
if i'm so sick of the cycle of love and false love----
together, apart,
it's real this time no it's real i swear----
then why bother?

the anger isn't coming as it should.
i sit here, i ruminate, i jab
at the deflated circus-lion
sitting in my headcage
(once-proud fiery beast)

and all i have come to know
is this:

i don't have the words, the rhythm, the rhyme.
the would-be passion, the florid soul:
it all comes out like grey garbage-spume,
liquefied brain in a hot waterfalling leak
from my head through my ear to
splatter and dry
like birdshit on cracked asphalt.

i'm less out of tune than i've ever been;
even my arrhythmia's got no signature,
it's fainter than ever,
my beats are strong and clear.

there are only enough words left to make my head rattle.

you thoughtlessly throw yours around.