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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

15.05.017 Displacement

I think of you while I'm in the sky.
Do you like that, what do you think?

It's an oddly private place-- a metal tube of strangers,
40,000 feet above in air.

It is so strangely calm--
separate from everything, removed
from the grounding
qualities of Earth overpaved, or bare;
sodden, sun-baked.

I am in a place separate from the
two places
which keep us separate. A null-land
free from the barriers
of borders, space.

Do you like that, what do you think?

I am returning home from a place called home,
the false progeny of my father's father.

Desire for a piece of me, forbidden even in
the falsehood of my progeny:
a chance, perhaps, to meet the other me--
a mediating factor of the Larger Equation;

an opportunity

to unmake the last of these barriers-inward-hemming:

Ego, sea, and quiddity.