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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

28.1.014 An open letter: the Point of Singularity to the Void

After ten months, there was a response; the Void shouted back-- in a muted voice, just barely audible: "Hi".

I still love you.  I never stopped, even though the letter I sent said I did.  When love shifts phases from "mutual" to "unrequited," an imbalance occurs; I became the parabolic curve infinitely approaching Zero.

There is a sort of base-level Love-- call it Respect, perhaps-- which should be extended to all living beings.  Whether or not the "human" or "sentient" sub-category of living beings deserves a special sort of respect or love is debatable, and it is a subject I have not yet examined fully.  Regardless: you-- the Void-- are human, and are therefore living, and are therefore deserving of a base-level Love and/or Respect.

There was a time when I loved you in a special, remarkable way.  I have been led to believe that there was a time when you, too, loved me in a special and remarkable way.  Whether it was a conscious decision or not, something in your being chose to put an end to that golden period of time.  Another part of your being chose to send this information across a great Void-- encrypted as ones and zeros (everything and nothing; wholeness and emptiness; singularity and a void of said)-- in a parabolic sine wave which lasted for four sentient, human minutes and twenty sentient, human seconds.

And when you gaze long into a Void, the Void also gazes into you.

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